Iron and Sulfur Filter – AIO 


If you have excessive levels of iron in your water, you know it.  The unpleasant taste, smell and rust-coloured staining are unmistakable.  What you don’t immediately notice is the build-up of iron in your pipes, fixtures and appliances, causing serious damage that can require expensive repairs. 

AIO (air injection oxidization) is a chemical-free process that aids in the effective removal of iron.   The patented control valve creates an air bubble at the upper portion of the tank to oxidize any ferrous iron, dramatically increasing the amount of iron that can be removed by the unit’s special filtering material.  The system can also be used to remove low concentrations of dissolved hydrogen sulfide and manganese from your water.  All this is accomplished without the messy and dangerous chemicals that were once a mainstay of iron filtration systems. 

The Features of the AIO Iron Filter:

● 2510AIO Valve with SXT Control

● User-friendly Electronics and Simple Serviceability

● Adjustable Cycles

● Day Override

● Bypass Valve

● Inlet Check Valve


The Iron Filter Process:

This filter works by adding oxygen to the incoming water by passing it through a bubble of compressed air, which oxidizes dissolved iron to create an easily removed precipitate. The water is then passed through a unique filter bed. The special media not only increases the pH of the water to enhance iron removal but also acts as a physical barrier to trap the iron precipitate. As more water passes through, the oxygen in the unit is used up, and the media gets loaded with iron. The regeneration process then begins in order to replenish the supply of oxygen, and rinse away the precipitated iron trapped in the media bed.

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